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Some structures through the ages have been constructed not just for architecture ingenuity but also to awe by their grandeur and magnanimity.
During my first trip to a UNESCO Heritage Site, I saw a different perspective in architecture. And here at the Ajanta Caves in India, inspired by the vertical lines, I shot a Vertorama - it simply being a vertical panorama. But the result was just not ’simple’. When the seemingly simple vertical lines of the architecture edifice translated into a stellar product creating glorious projections and soaring stature, I felt a natural pull towards this form of photography, especially for historical buildings.
And the joy of experimenting with beauty, space, and shape to create a different view through my first Vertorama in 2008, the journey has been exhilarating ever since.
From Caves to Forts.
Churches to Monastery
Mosques to Tombs
Stepwells to ‘Wada’s (in Hindi, meaning Traditional Mansion Houses)
Museums to Modern Malls.